Tuesday, May 7, 2013


What is "hate"? Is it a word? Is it an action? Is it something that is taught? Or is it something that is already wired into our brains when we are born?

There is a saying "actions speak louder then words". Which is why I think there is a very blurry line between "hate" being just a word and it being an action.

 These days, people throw the word "hate" around as if it is just a statement for "disliking" something. "I hate my hair." or "I hate Chinese food."

"Hate" really is a profound word. It holds so much negative emotion. I believe "hate" is taught. Babies do not know how to "hate" someone. People are taught "hate", whether it's from peers or family members. It seems so many people are close minded these days that they teach others to be the same way.

People "hate" others solely based on their skin color, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. As much as I would like to say we have progressed over time when you take a step back, you see we really have not. We still continue to "hate". Open mindedness is what will let us progress. It is what will allow us to finally succeed as a society. What gives us the right to judge someone so harshly and tell them they cannot have the same rights due to the list above? How can we be so cruel?

We are different, every single one of us. No two people will ever be exactly the same. How would the people judging feel if someone said "You can't marry that person because you have blonde hair?". They would be upset. They would be mad.

In 2013 we still continue to listen to a "book" that was wrote so long ago. Yet we pull what we want out of it. We never stop to think that things are so different now then they were. We don't stop to think that this "book" is supposed to teach love, and non judgement of others. People say "love thy neighbor" and in the next breathe are preaching to someone about how if they don't "change" how the feel about their same sex partner that they will "burn in hell". How is this thinking even logical?

How can we even thrive as a society with this kind of behavior? People go as far as murdering people because they didn't agree with their beliefs. They bully and continue to put people down for not believing the same way. They push people so far over the edge that they kill themselves or self medicate, or self-harm to relieve the built up pain.

Who are we to cause someone so much pain that ending their life or cutting themselves is easier to deal with?  Some people don't even allow this to effect them. They continue to torment others. Now how can someone do that? Hurt someone so much they do these things, and then continue to feel okay with our selves?

Love needs to be taught. Not hate. People need to learn to accept things. Who cares if a man loves another man or a woman loves another woman? How is their love affecting you? How is someone's skin color affecting you? How is a woman working the same job as a man bothersome? How is someone getting help from the government a lesser being then someone who doesn't need the help? That is why it's there isn't it? To help those who need it? How can we continue to discriminate? These people are not affecting your life. They are NOT bullying anyone. They are all minding their own business. So how are they not allowed the same rights as everyone else? How can all these people not be as equal as you?

We are all human. We are living on this planet. TOGETHER.The "hate" is what is pulling us apart.All it's doing is pulling us farther and farther apart. I think the "lesser" beings are those who purposely hurt others for not being the same as them.